These are just a few of our projects since 2004.  If you have an idea please just send us an email and we’ll get things started!  Click Here

CCF has worked with various partners over the years (CTM, CBA, CCAC, City of Cincinnati, CPL, Cincinnati Parks, CliftonFest, CliftonDeer, Cincinnati Shakespeare) to make the following possible:

Funded Acoustic Panels for Clifton Rec Center gym
Clifton Community Car Show on Father’s Day
Clifton Community Clock Installation
Arlin’s mural restoration
Contributed to Merchant Lot murals
20th Utility Box
Gelato at Memorial Day picnic
Shakespeare bench mural new art
Picnic tables for Clifton Plaza
Committed to CCAC building campaign donation for 5 yrs
Movie nights in CRC parking lot (4 movies in the spring)
Shakespeare mural near Shakespeare Bench
Donations to Clifton Cares, meals for health care workers during COVID-19
Repair damaged fountain in Diggs Plaza
Donation and installation of Shakespeare Bench on Telford
Utility Box adornment: painting, photo-wrapping, maintenance (since 2014)
Contributed to Off Ludlow Gallery rent
Contributed to Ludlow Garage Murals
CliftonFest Inflatables purchase
Probasco Fountain Potable Water signage
Repair and placement of bronze historical plaques on Ludlow
Shakespeare in the Park at Mt. Storm
Mt Storm Tree Project
Old Clifton Mural Clifton Market Driveway
Holiday decorations on Ludlow (since 2007)
Probasco Fountain Plaque           
Ludlow Sidewalk Plaque Repair
Deer Sterilization Project
Clifton Plaza Mural
Plaque at Clifton United Jewish Cemetery on Old Ludlow
Refurbished stained glass window in Clifton Library
Ludlow Plaza Sprinkler System
Daffodil bulbs for the parks on Ludlow
Ludlow Flowers
Floor restoration
Restored WW I Vets and Clifton School Contributors plaques
Bench in front of CCAC
Firehouse #34 Lighting
Startup funding for community gathering space